Lani Rutto and Lina Kiriluk best in the jubilee, 20th Cracovia Marathon

The jubilee, 20th edition of Cracovia Marathon with start and finish in the heart of the city - the Main Market Square - was won by Kenyan Lani Rutto, who achieved a time of 2:17:05 and Lithuanian Lina Kiriluk who covered the royal distance of 42 km and 195 m in a time of 2:42:25. 5195 people took part in the race, and 5033 of them registered at the finish line. Participants from 45 countries took part in the competition on the route "through history".

Second place went to last year's triumpher David Kiprono Metto, also from Kenya, who in 2022 also won the 15th Three Mounds’ Run in Kraków and was second in the 8th Cracovia Royal Half Marathon. The men's podium was completed by Ezekiel Kipkorir, another of the Kenyans. These also took the next three places, including three-time Cracovia Marathon winner Cosmas Mutuku Kyeva in fifth. Behind the Kenyans, the first to cross the finish line was a Pole - seventh-placed Mateusz Mrówka.

The second in the women's competition was Kenyan Ruth Chemisto Matebo, and the third place in excellent style, overtaking her rivals at the end of the route, was won by Polish representative Ewa Jagielska. The Polish woman's achievement is all the more noteworthy if we take into account that a week ago she finished the marathon in Łódz, and in second place.

On the occasion of the 20th iteration of the event, awards also went to runners who took symbolic 20th places among men and women. They were the Spaniard Ester Corral Garcia and Pole Michal Suchan.

Complete results of the 20th Cracovia Marathon can be found HERE.

We invite you to look at the extensive photo gallery by Szymon Gruchalski.

Also honored on stage were the "Perseverers" of the Cracovia Marathon, an elite group of people who have already completed the 20th edition of the event. 

On the occasion of the jubilee, there was also a special cake referring to the route of the race and the characteristic objects passed along the way, which was prepared by Buczek Bakery and Confectionery.

Krzysztof Kowal, the Director of the Cracovia Marathon and, at the same time, the Director of the Sports Infrastructure Management Board of Kraków, which organizes the run, received a congratulatory letter from the President of the Polish Association of Runs and Piła Half Marathon, Henryk Paskal, rematching by a commemorative medal of the twentieth edition of the Cracovia Marathon.

The next, 21st edition of the Cracovia Marathon is planned for April 21, 2024.

Photo: Szymon Gruchalski; Mateusz Chwajoł/ZIS